they. WHO?
those evil, terrifying BLOCK TESTS.
i really wish that i could BLOCK those TESTS. literally.
to someone who has not much interest in studying, like ME.
it's a death sentence.
and i suppose ill get hanged or something like that :D

geex! start with complaining huh.
there's more to come!
yesterday we had P.E, my stamina dropped.
last year, it was after running the 4th round of school's track that i'll start to feel tired.
but yesterday - end of 2nd rounds, already dying :P
OOPS, why national standard drop until like that?
i'm sorry! but uhh, ate too much without proper trainings on the last week of december i suppose.

QIAOYU! i'm still 1 CM TALLER than YOU!
haha, okay exaggerated.
it's not as if it was 10 cm.

other than that horrible stamina news, and make-qiaoyu-pissed news..
there's malay lessons today.
pretty cool, interesting but too basic.
oh well! miss those people who poke fun of me in malay, thinking that i wouldnt understand.
miss ya class '4D' (2006)!! (:

jump to today ya?!
today.. during physics, my idol went up to explain some 'constructive' 'destructive' 'maxima' 'minima' thing. 'WAVES' topic.
haha! i still remember 'constructive - n+1/2' (:
idol's explanation confirm remember lor.
not like some teachers, go around and scare people.
i was like busy calculating and thinking very deeply to find the value of something.
then "HOW? DID YOU GET THE ANSWER?" - jimmy goh.
i jumped, let's say jerked instead, outta my seat!
though embarassing, hatred inreases! hmppf.
really dont like people to disturb me.
that explains why i love to sit alone in classrooms and, most probably, while studying especially.

haha, pretty stuck with maths questions.
and not many sart people left online..
so let me go sleep instead.
aminah monster: other than studying, you can only sleep!


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