ya, everybody thinks that it's a happy day;
for kids - simply 红包拿来!
and probably a BIG smile  on their faces.
oh i hate those visitings,
and especially when i'm so sick!
ill and frail little creature.
hobbling around the crowd.

i could hardly grab those ferrero rocher
and vanhouten chocolates with tasty nuts!
awww, DROOLS`

but i'm sick.

i think my illness is quite major here.
some minor operation needed to cure it?
urm, i'd blown out (of my nose)
it's kind of gross.

think twice before you read this..
if you cant bear to listen to my horrible symptoms,
maybe you just wanna get on with the next paragraph.
well, my nose.
a lump of blood;
not really dried, as in like jelly substance
but it's a LUMP.
plus greenish yellowish mucus wrapped around it.
that whole chunk came out of my left nostril!
for 1 second, i thought i was gonna bleed to death.
'cause the tissue went red.
and i went white.
i suppose that explains the pain that was in my nose;
oh gosh!

yup, you've come to the next paragraph.
no gross things.
blackjack entertained me throughout.
started off with $10
ended off with $10
well, helps mama to win like $4?
miserable, i know.
but i have more than that.
i dont wish to kill-
but it really sucks to lose

think cousins are watching night movie now?
whatever movie
i think it's a waste of money.
rather save the money for my
future MEDICAL bills.
anyway, my nose still hurts!
damn sad.
really scared i'll just die in bed like that.
though at times i wish i could lie in there without having to wake up.
that's life.
the dead life.
have to take my tablets and pills and
that's medicine.
not for suicide, it's my fever, nose, cough, antibiotics (:



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