ha, i see 38 visitors.
sorry for not updating recently.
not that life's too boring to blog about,
but life's to hectic for me to be blogging.

miss aminah said:
JC 2s should not have time to blog!
miss tan shared with us:
freedom of speech!
do you sense the trouble i am in? :D
probably i'll just redeem my 5-10minutes of blogging time
by blogging about ECONOMICS!

alright! those who dont take economics - you may choose to ignore the first part! (:

FTAs signed with Singapore:
US; Japan; India; Australia; Korea; New Zealand; Panama; Jordan;
EFTA (Switzerland; Iceland; Liechtenstein; Norway);
Trans-Pacific SEP (Brunei; New Zealand; Chile; Singapore)
Ongoing FTAs still negotiating:
Canada; China; Mexico; Pakistan; Peru; Ukraine; Morocco; Qatar; Egypt; Oman; Srilanka; Kuwait; Bahrain;
The Gulf Cooperation Council.

back to blogging.
over the weekends - totally studying!
maths and physics tuition,
and after that.
and i rarely completed all my homework
but this time i'd done them all, and even beforehand.

monday's P.E killed me i guess.
i dread P.E now.
"i'll make you run more rounds - because i like you alot."
it's a sad case.
i felt to tired yesterday!
after swtiching off my computer,
i realised i'd havent find anything on FTAs.
so i messaged my ever-awesome 偶像 for help!
he really did some research (:
i totally died at around 8.45pm.
tomorrow's mass P.E
should i?

today's economics tutorial was like...
only 5 students and 1 teacher.
because the rest didnt do essay outline 6.
actually i did it 'cause i had the time to
not because it's assigned.
just did some findings like for 1 whole hour!
opportunity cost = my eyesight.

physics tutorial is...
filled with nothingness.
i dont know.
i dont like it.
i dont need it.
i'd rather have economics tutorials.
at least i learn something.
he is just plain stupid.
that is in my terms.

and that's the negative externality of being prepared for tutorial.
and this line is only applicable in physics tutorial.
*falls asleep*



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