oh pig.
i freakin' slacked the whole day off!
shit you A levels!

back at camp.
hmm, where should i start?
the crazy me.
somehow got SO HIGH
and started running rounds and rounds just to get the kallang wave going.
i'm serious.
if anyone had that scene recorded,
jaz = mad cow.
yup. that was the first day.

first night!
oh my god.
we had midnight soccer!
how fun (:
if only every night was like that.
though i played with my injured ankle,
haha! still zam the ball like nothing.
but pain luh.
what's after that?
the most fattening meal that one could ever have!
yea. i'd got the cheeseburger (:
love cheese.

second day of the day was horrible.
all thanks to the weather.
anyway, pretty a waste of time
but hope they had fun (:

soccer on the second night wasnt as fun as the previous one.
but yjc beat ajc 2-0!
with benny the top scorer!
i didnt join them though. :D
and supper!
macdonalds again.
this time a double cheeseburger meal!
i guess single cheese wasnt enough?
HAHA! damn bloated.
i was struggling to swallow that burger down.
and my green tea was left for breakfast next morning.

i didnt sleep at all at night.
especially the first night.
everyone had their sleeping bags!
haha. poor me.
i sat on the wheelable chair
turning rounds and rounds.
and msging some nocturnal creatures that i know.
second night was at some nice cosy place that yjcians found.
the sofa was damn shuang!
but i didnt get a place to sleep there.
but the floor was nice enough, with that bigbig cushion! (:
i was sitting there alone after supper.
the rest were sleeping like dead pigs.
HAHA! oh.. nononono.
some of them mumbled in their sleeps!
damn funny luh.
braindead but pretty much enjoyed the free entertainment.

third day of the camp.
haha! well, quite fun overall luh.
but i think no more second time for me (:
i totally crawled back home!
and found myself home alone.
how sad.

and that night
i was out with my master.
guess i was dragging my feet the whole night!
stoning mode couldnt be switched off.
kungfu panda is funny.
i was yawning away initially
then laugh until i feel much more awake.

back home, dead by 1am.
and only woke up at 4.30pm!
haha. still didnt break my previous record of 18 hours though.

yep, totally slacked the remaining 7½hours away.
blogshopping, chatting online, and msging.
:D i wonder how miserable i'll be feeling 1 month before the A levels.

i feel screwed up at this point in time.



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