nothing like action-packed movies or zombies eating flesh.
it feels good being busy especially when you want to put certain stuff aside.
just a couple of hours ago, i'd got like 4-5 shoppers interested in my items.
so happy luhs! ((:
i kinda got mixed up and all 'cause some orders overlap.
and that i'm not used to using gmail (this is kylle's fault).
and i find it weird - it's like... i'm the only owner (kylle's fault again).
anyway! i'd got a few items sold in just a couple of hours ((: YAYNESS!

right. i had a terrible evening today.
partly due to gastric pain.
oh! and there's this thing.. i kept having the want-to-vomit feeling these days!
especially before breakfast and during dinner. HUMPH.
(dont be stupid, aint morning sickness or whatever)
it feels terrible, my stomach's like screwed.
then today's dinner, i accidentally munched some garlic = GROSS!
totally puked and my mum thinks i'd overreacted.
well, i really hate that taste!
and the fact that i vomited whatever i ate = i'm really sick.
but all she did was scolding me for
overreacting, not eating vegetables and give her THAT FACE.
and ends her scolding with a sorry when she realised that i'm really sick.
probably this is another disadvantage of NOT TALKING.

YOUXU initiated a conversation today!
but, didnt chat much anyway. we didnt have much to say.
anyway! crapped more with PIG number 2.
and PIG number 2 helped me with APGP question!
awh you smart ass! :P

gastric's workin up again.
think i'll just curl up in bed.

the softness of the couch
couldnt compare to the warmth
being in your arms



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