hahaha. the typical stoner.
sits in front of the computer for almost the whole damn day (:
planned to start studying physics on saturday night.
but didnt.

played SLEUTH this afternoon.
chatted with the few usual msn kakis.
watched dvds.
went out for dinner - KFC again! (:
some throat-killing dinner that was.
bought thumbdrive, like finally.
oh but how coincidental, dad brought some supper back too - FRIED :D

downloading AUDITIONSEA again.
it's been 2 years since hit some arrows!

oh yea, played the piano today as well.
talking about rusty, and dusty! TSKTSKTSK.
so many pauses! LOL. sounds horrible.
back to games.
playing SUDOKU (free game in thumbdrive*) while waiting for the many hours of download.
plus! it failed once, hope it doesnt fail the second time.
holy shit of time that is! OMG.
currently at 90% (((((:

(*is that what you call COMPLEMENT?)

well anyway!
wore my billabong top and berms and caps!
super bad hair day luh.
just love the feel (:
then again, thinking whether or not to get the vest! HUMPH.

somehow, the HOT TOPIC for today was LES&GAY.

you said les are hot and pretty.
i think it's such a waste.



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