wooosh! just bathed.
physically tired mentally awake. (:
the magic show.
JEROME - first contestant.
i thought he really made a good "opening" performance!
sadly. but jerome, its okay!~
after physics lessons in the morning,
jamie, huaisian and i went to huaisian's house to study.
'cause she never bring home clothes to change.
yup, she introduced to us a game that benny introduced to her.
gamefudge.com or something like that :D
check it out!~

we were rather late for the magic performance.
but still got there before it began.
got subway at amk hub before getting on the train.
the train was extremely slow!
the speed is so slow that, we didnt experience any inertia.
took a cab from buona vista to ulu pandan CC.
great performance as i mentioned previously!
yup. $10 was worth it (:

haha, a bold idea from me.
suggested to have our dinner/supper at Changi Airport!
but think the girls can't go home late.
不然她们的妈妈。。。有那个“损友”的 idea.
and that wont be nice.
haha, super bloated after that prata meal!
shared almost every happening stuff in primary school.
includes kiantee, zhu rong ji, kenneth yong, kenneth ng, and 蔡老师。
oh, and during the train rides, flooded them with my stories.
true ones of course.
relating more to secondary school life.
haha! next time will be kindergarden!
took taxi home after prata-ing.
'cause i was really full, lazy to take public transport.
and it was.. i think 11.40pm already?

:D going to do maths, finish off what i didnt complete at huaisian's house.
kekes. and i dreamt about him last night! :P
those who know, please dont say..
russell, russell!
dont be so gross! no more sprite!


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