not [yahoo] but yaaaahhhhooooo`
haha, won quite alot from cousin's father's family
just from blackjack.
gambling does bring me somewhere
but still ends up nowhere.

i'm sick
yet still gambling from 4pm to 4am-
now super sick?
but very alert already.
'cause super angry with the last game;
a new game that cheats my money!
overall still win (:
nevermind lo.
i waited for them to play pool
in the end,
none of them played.
and i skipped the bowling session
hoping that they will play pool

but none of them did
and i waited till 4am
entertaining myself with dad's mahjong game
and some losing of money in blackjack
they still never play!
then mum,
due to lack of sleep,
went bizarre.
got me fcuked up.
what the hell?

nothing much to say actually.
just that
i'm going to get my punching bag
be it they allow or not.
why give them a damn?
i'm rich.
'cause i love rich
think rich
and work rich!



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