i know it's so WRONG.
but i just wanna head out out out`
went to far east plaza today.
got my cousin to accompany me!
and she'd her labtop along..
'cause she's just released from school
and i requested to meet her then.
poor thing!
but sure had FUN i hope :D

alright! stupid me.
failed my direction test today.
hurhur. SORRY!
for the BIG BIG U-TURN!
hmmpf. thanks to the blocked mrt entrance.
oh well, hee!

for the first time
i didnt get anything from the FREAKY shop!
feels wrong, but
anyway the funny uncle was entertaining an angmoh couple.
that's the trend right?
angmoh first, before singaporeans.
haha! anyway, all the chokers i saw today
looked like dog chains!
thanks to my cousin, i'd saved $40.
instead of spending all my money.

i bought the SCREWED UP panties.
one that says "little girl BIG trouble"
and another hot lady boxers with
"hottie" "sexy" "heavenly"
printed on it.
like so fuckin' screwed up!
haha! interesting stuff (:
just not the FUCK YOU one.
'cause mama will scold!

oh and i saw lotsa friends today!
ZETTI; GEWN; national players luh.
XIAOTIAN! bright blue.
hoho (:
JOHNATHAN, lit fella classmate.

back to school stuff!
math test today.
think i totally screwed up the probability thingy.
haha! and the supervisor sure is goondoo.
oh well`
"no notes on the table, including other subjects"
and i read my economics notes after im done with my math.
yea, scream at me blackie!
as if he dares.
(not trying to be a racist here)

economics "test" today.
supervised by miss aminah.
poor people who had done the essays beforehand,
but some smart ones, LOL (:
i didnt manage to complete much though.
but thank god?!
i somehow read through economics notes during math lecture.
since i know what's going on in math already.
haha, if i didnt read...
think i'll just play with the aircon remote control during the test!

oh and amazingly
my cousin prayed that the train wont be so crowded.
and sure it wasnt!
then she prayed again that her prayer had some mistakes
and that she wanted a seat.
and sure there was!
just for her, in the next station.
i was pretty... WOW! by that.
haha! GOD rocks.

tired soul.
need a nappy nap!



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