Though this may sound childish and so not applicable to JAZ, i'd chanced upon some interesting characters in audition today. Oh yes, you bet! I'd been playing AUDITION once i'd had reached home like around 10.30am all the way till evening 6.45pm? Needless to say, my eyes were crossed and fingers stiffen up. And with much thanks to the goody two god-siblings - pengz and xrolIer - my cheek muscles were very much exercised too! Enough of AUDITION? Like no? I'm so gonna play AUDITION like after i bathe?

Geex. A little not used to typing in essay form. But i like the change, though i dont like changes aye. Anyway! Physics paper one was really HAHAHA away, shading some uncreative blocks and shaking legs! Yup, that should sum up the difficulty of the paper itself. And YES! that marks the end of Alevels, definitely. So love the rotting days ahead! i dont mind you holla me up and catch some fresh air out there, just dont expect me to talk. I'll just be there to breathe! Hahaha, then again, probably not that dead! SOCCER, STREET SOCCER, another forms of sports are definitely preferred! It's been awhile since i'd sweat some excess water out. Geex. I so wanna get tanned. (: FREESTARLERS, much loved :D

Booked for table tennis and swimming at the moment (: Soccer as well, that's definitely! I'm like so WANTED!

Upcoming courses - MUAYTHAI. Sounds super cool right? Not that ready though, depends on KYLLE to hit the GO button! Humph. Really curious about the outfit and training and how silly i'll look like during the muaythai practice. Gonna start whipping up some really superb dishes too! If they're presentable, i'll definitely post some pictures up! And the very much pretty chef behind the heavenly junkies! :D Muahahahaha, just kidding. Alright, too much to do but too little time, that's what you hear every now and then. But this time, i'd loads of time! Bring it on babey!

Looking forward to the very special and first-ever COUSIN GATHERING! Sadly, only the ones we're closer to. 'Cause after much considerations, we find it awkward to ask along the not-so-close cousins. Hahaha! Not being a baddie here but yea, just the usual cousin clique will do. (: i just remembered another cousin! Damn, how could we have left him out. Ha! *search for contacts*

Shall get my schedule packed and get myself REAL BUSY.


you dont know how much i want you back.
though i know the probability.


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