Actually, I dont have the mood to blog about it right now. Humph! Plus I'm not feeling too good sleeping only at 7am++ and waking up at 4pm++. Even daddy labelled me as DRACULA. Well, I'd warned them to locked their doors at night.

Big big hugs for my sister. Her PSLE score - 250. Her ideal score oh! Taken aback, seriously. But oh man, she's great. Korkor and I think that this year's easier. :P

Back to myself, I so wanted to get Macdonald's breakfast! But sadly, I snoozed as usual. Though my handphone alarm went off at 10am, I literally killed it I think. Plus many many messages coming in in the early afternoon. 3 hours of sleep just wasnt enough, so I gave up my hotcakes and snoozed till 4pm. Geex! Hotcakes! Oh. I played audition till morn, so it was like: the only room left.


 Been messaging Penguin recently, funny stuff that we crapped about. Anyway, take care luh my dear penguin! Dont spread your bird flu :P

Kay, not that emo now (: Shall try to sleep early IF POSSIBLE. I so want my hotcakes badly!


I so want you badly too!


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